Distillations magazine

Unexpected Stories from Science’s Past

A Tragedy with No End

Why does Garrett Hardin’s pessimistic fable haunt our collective imagination?


Distillations articles reveal science’s powerful influence on our lives, past and present.

People & Politics

American Fevers, American Plagues

How yellow fever outbreaks in the early United States anticipated much of what we lament about the COVID-19 era.


The Tragedy of the World’s First Seed Bank

Soviet geneticist Nikolai Vavilov led an ideologically perilous campaign to rid the world of famine.

People & Politics

Confronting America’s Food Emergencies

Can a White House conference muster the political will to address the nation’s food insecurity and obesity crises? A summit from 1969 offers clues.

Early Science & Alchemy

William Dampier, Revered and Reviled

The pirate-turned-naturalist-turned-pirate-again inspired generations of British writers and scientists.

People & Politics

Mouse Heaven or Mouse Hell?

Biologist John Calhoun’s rodent experiments gripped a society consumed by fears of overpopulation.

Inventions & Discoveries

Greenbacks, Chits, and Scrip

Alternative currencies flourish in desperate times and situations.


Speaking to the Future

Nuclear waste remains dangerous for millennia, so how do we keep people in the distant future away from it?


The Simple Usefulness of the Secchi Disk

A centuries-old sailor’s hack enters the ecologist’s toolkit.


The Toll of the Road

Calculating the automobile’s grisly impact on wildlife.

illustration of a person with cholera
Health & Medicine

John Snow Hunts the Blue Death

In showing that cholera spreads through tainted water, an English doctor helped lay epidemiology’s foundations.


Stuck Inside

Space toilets and the lessons of living in closed environments.


River Gods, Lake Monsters, and the Abiding Power of Myth

How ancient (and not so ancient) cultures thought about water purity and contamination.

Impressionist painting of a lily pond
Arts & Culture

Could Claude Monet See Like a Bee?

A harrowing eye surgery may have given the impressionist painter the ability to see UV light.

Inventions & Discoveries

Matthew Carey Lea and the Origins of Mechanochemistry

A reclusive expert of 19th-century photography laid the foundation for green chemistry solutions emerging today.

Photo of mattress with spraypainted warning

A Perfect Glutton, Never Ceasing

With their creeping, bloodsucking ways, bedbugs continue to mock human superiority.


Ruth Patrick’s Lovely Creatures

The groundbreaking ecologist showed that the biological diversity within a stream can be used to diagnose its health.

illustration of a people making paper
Early Science & Alchemy

Chasing the Clues in Isaac Newton’s Manuscripts

The tricks and tools book sleuths use to date the undated.

Health & Medicine

Bacteriophages and the Fight Against Cholera in Cold War Afghanistan

Could a Soviet-era therapy offer a new defense against antibiotic-resistant superbugs?