Distillations magazine

Unexpected Stories from Science’s Past

Inventions & Discoveries

The tools and technology that help us understand and change the world

Inventions & Discoveries

Women’s Work

The jogging craze of the 1970s required a change of equipment.

Inventions & Discoveries

Hacking Humans

Dissatisfied with the limitations of the human body, some people are modifying themselves with electronic compasses and magnetic implants.

Inventions & Discoveries

Winning Skin

A novel swimsuit reveals that faster isn’t necessarily better.

Inventions & Discoveries

Left Behind

In the early 19th century, Humphry Davy was a scientific superstar, but then science and the world around him changed.

Inventions & Discoveries

High Times

When does self-experimentation cross the line?

Inventions & Discoveries

The Frontiersman

In Silicon Valley’s renegade days, a hardheaded Texan chased dreams of a flying car.

Inventions & Discoveries

Synthetic Threads

Synthetic fibers not only changed the fashion industry; they changed how women lived their lives.

Inventions & Discoveries

Information Overload

Data overload is nothing new. How have people in the past managed their versions of big data?

Inventions & Discoveries

The Secrets of Life

Resurrecting radium’s role in early genetics research.

Inventions & Discoveries

Thinking Machines: The Search for Artificial Intelligence

Does history explain why today’s smart machines can seem so dumb?

Inventions & Discoveries

Tough Stuff

Some of the most indestructible menswear ever made.

Inventions & Discoveries

Speaking in Tongues

Science’s centuries-long hunt for a common language.

Inventions & Discoveries

An Aging Army

The Cold War is long gone, but many nuclear weapons remain. What happens when some weapons can’t be retired?

Inventions & Discoveries

The French Connection

Inventor Charles Babbage drew inspiration from an unusual source for his analytical engine.

Inventions & Discoveries

Up, Up, and Away

The day a lead balloon flew.

Inventions & Discoveries

Let There Be Light

The story of electricity, danger, nationalism, advertising, and pollution in the lighting of the United States.

Inventions & Discoveries

A Cloudy Past

Before today’s cell-phone, laptop, and TV screens, there was a whiskey advertisement.

Inventions & Discoveries

Hard-Headed Man

When William Aspdin stumbled on the secret to modern concrete, it was the first and one of the few fortuitous steps in an unsteady life.